Best Louisiana Sportsbook Promo Codes: Get Over $4K for the Super Bowl


Everyone is putting on their best effort for the Super Bowl, and it's not just the players and coaches involved in the game itself. Sportsbooks are all competing to have the best offer, and that makes new bettors the biggest winners of the week.

Bettors in Louisiana can cash in with over $4,000 in promos for the Super bowl, and we’ll walk you through exactly how.

DraftKings Louisiana Super Bowl Promo Code

DraftKings Sportsbook has our favorite Super Bowl promo available this week. Just for betting $5 on the Super Bowl, they’re going to give you $200. The best part is you don’t even need to win your bet to get $200, as long as you follow these steps.

  1. Sign up for DraftKings using this link
  2. Deposit $5 or More
  3. Wager at least $5 on any Super Bowl bet

After that bet settles, you’ll get $200 in bonus bets automatically sent to your account, regardless of the outcome of your bet. So if your $5 bet wins, you get the winnings plus your $200. If your bet loses, you’re down that $5 but get $200 in bonus bets in return.

This promo is only for new DraftKings users and ends this week. Sign up for DraftKings now to cash in while you still can!

FanDuel Louisiana Super Bowl Promo Code

FanDuel has taken a different approach with its Super Bowl promo in Louisiana. They’re not guaranteeing the full amount no matter what like DraftKings is, but they’ll also give you a much bigger maximum reward. You can get up to $3,000 of insurance on your first bet at FanDuel Sportsbook.

  1. Sign up for FanDuel using this link 
  2. Deposit $10 or more into your account
  3. Wager $10 or more on the Super Bowl

That’s it. If you use that link and follow those steps, your first bet of up to $3,000 will be refunded fully in bet credits if it loses. So that means if your bet wins, you’ll get your full winnings (which of course could be even more than $3k if you bet on an underdog), and if your bet loses you’ll still find yourself right back where you started because the bonus bet insurance will hit your account.

FanDuel can’t afford to keep such a huge offer around forever, so after the Super Bowl you’ll find a much less enticing deal. Sign up for FanDuel now before it’s too late

BetMGM Louisiana Super Bowl Promo Code

BetMGM is coming through with a very similar offer to FanDuel, and their Louisiana Super Bowl promo goes up to $1,000.

  1. Sign up for BetMGM using this link 
  2. Deposit $10 or more in your BetMGM account
  3. Wager $10 or more on ANY Super Bowl offer

Like the FanDuel offer, if your first bet of up to $1,000 wins you cash in like usual, and if your bet loses you find yourself automatically rewarded with a matching amount in bonus bets.

This is only available to new BetMGM users and this offer only lasts through the Super Bowl. Jump on board now and sign up for BetMGM to claim this offer before it’s too late.

Want even more than $200 fully guaranteed and another $4,000 in insurance? Sounds kind of greedy, but we get it. That's why we've compiled a list of every top Super Bowl sportsbook promo available in Louisiana. You can sign up and claim as many of these as you'd like from any sportsbook you don't already have an account with!