The NFL Draft is important for everyone to help fill out their rosters after the free-agent rush is over. The New Orleans Saints did just that.
The New Orleans Saints have been known to hit home runs in the draft in recent years and 2020 proved to be no different. After all, just a few seasons ago, the Saints secured Alvin Kamara in the third round.
They just have an ability to get exceptional talent in rounds that in normal drafts just wouldn’t be there. It’s been one thing that’s been able to keep the team reigning atop the NFC South for the last few seasons.
The NFL Draft is the biggest stepping stone for NFL franchises to acquire their talent for the future and build up their organization. After all, just look at teams like Cincinnati and Miami, they’ll be building their entire future around who they drafted.
There is no better feeling than seeing your favorite team nail the NFL Draft, but seeing your rival nail theirs yanks your heartstrings a little bit. Here is a breakdown of the Saints’ rivals draft picks and how they will impact the 2020 season.