Observations: Part one

As an opener, the experience from down low in the stadium and up high is tremendous. In the plaza level you are near the game, so the action is faster on the field. You get a better appreciation for the speed of the game and the players. You also get a better appreciation for the size of the players. The sound is very different, much louder in general. One thing I am often critical of is the sound in the Superdome. The sound is much better down low than up high. The speakers sound better, particularly the low end, which we get very little of in the upper sections.
As for crowd noise, there isn’t a huge difference where you are. In fact, up high it may be more pronounced because some of the sound seems to bounce around. What I appreciate most from up high is I can see everything. Down low, when play is on the far end of the field (we were in section 135, which is the section right about where the Saints go in for halftime and come out of after the half, home team side, end zone corner) it seems far away.
When I’m up high, everything seems equally far away. Another thing is watching plays develop. It’s much easier to see open receivers and holes. It’s easier to follow action with players and coaches on the sideline as well. And it’s MUCH easier for me to take my notes that I often do to keep track of things I might include in these pieces. It’s much busier overall down low – there’s more a buzz than up high.