Joe Leo joined the gang to talk some NFL offseason. Click here to listen:–episode-7-with-special-guest-joe-leo

As the NFL season creeps closer, training camp talk begins to rev its engine. With next week’s episode (August 7th) expanding upon that, we here at The Who Dat Dish Podcast wanted to bring on another guest to preview the season before diving into camp.
We couldn’t have asked for a better guest in Joe Leo, who hosts his own podcast, the Grind Hours podcast on SoundCloud. He also posts everyday on as part of his “Basement View” blog.
The show kicked off as it always does, with articles of the week. Here, each host highlights one of their own pieces and another piece from a different contributor from
Tyler’s articles: and
Dayton’s articles: and
We then dove into the most recent training camp headlines, mainly going over who has impressed most thus far. That list included wide receivers Corey Fuller and Brandon Coleman and cornerback Marshon Lattimore.
Focus was then shifted to the New York Jets, Joe’s favorite team. His talk about the team wasn’t optimistic, but it did inspire more confidence in them from both hosts. Joe then gave his opinion and outlook for the Saints as a non-fan. We ended the show by having Joe give us his Super Bowl LII prediction along with his offensive and defensive MVP predictions for 2017.
Follow Joe on Twitter @notthefakejleo
Read his blog posts on
Listen to his Grind Hours podcast at
Be sure to follow our accounts on Twitter: @TheWDDPodcast