Episode 6 of the Who Dat Dish Podcast is here! Dayton and I were thrilled to have Allen Ulrich, the Co-Host of the Under The Dome Podcast join the show!
The link to the Who Dat Dish Podcast can be found here.
The Who Dat Dish Podcast crew are pleased to announce that our podcasts are now being featured on iTunes! To check out every podcast to date click the link here.
This week, Allen Ulrich, the Co-Host of the Under The Dome Podcast stopped by, and the three of us had a blast talking Saints history and podcast talk. Allen is immensely knowledgeable about the New Orleans Saints and the team’s history. It was a pleasure having Allen on, and both Dayton and I very much enjoyed his company.
The Under The Dome Podcast has been running for over a year now and has grown quite the following! Reaching over 110 subscribers on YouTube, and over 1,300 members in the Facebook Group, the word is getting around about this awesome duo.
The Under The Dome Podcast can be found on Youtube on the account, “Under The Dome C3 Network”. Or simply click the link provided here. Allen Ulrich, along with Co-Host Sean Williams host the show every Tuesday night at around 9 PM EST / 8 PM CST.
In regards to Allen’s social media, you can follow Allen on Twitter @79Saints, his partner in crime Sean Williams can be found on Twitter @drewsdad3721, and their official Under The Dome Podcast Twitter account can be found @underthedomepo1.
Before the three of us talked about Allen’s podcast or played the awesome Saints related Jeopardy knockoff game, Dayton and I discussed our usual “The Articles of the Week” segment. For those who don’t know, “The Articles of the Week” segment is a simple series where ourselves as Who Dat Dish representatives and writers choose one article of our own and another writers article to praise and summarize from that week.
Tyler’s articles:
The articles Tyler plugged away at this week were, 2017 New Orleans Saints fantasy football projections/analysis written by Tyler Raymond and New Orleans Saints Gift Guide: 10 items for your Saints man cave written by Who Dat Dish writer Frank Urbina.
Dayton’s articles:
Although Dayton doesn’t have an article published yet that he plugged away at, he gave insight to a future article that’s coming out. Keep an eye out for a great article called, 5 reasons the Saints will make the playoffs by Dayton Brown. The other article is The 3 reasons the Saints will win the NFC South by Who Dat Dish writer Matthew McFatridge
During the first few minutes, Dayton and I sat down with Allen to get his thoughts on the Podcast, and what it is personally like for him. We first discussed the Under The Dome Podcast, and what the journey and experiences have been like personally for Allen. Allen, being an experienced podcast host also shared his advice for young podcasters who are wondering about starting their own show.

In our final segment of the show, Allen participated in Jeopardy – New Orleans Saints / Allen Ulrich edition. I just have to say that I commend Allen for his incredible knowledge of all things New Orleans Saints, as I mention throughout the podcast, Allen dominated and killed his answers. Some of the topics mentioned throughout this segment include QB Archie Manning, RB Adrian Peterson, and WR Ted Ginn Jr.
As a side joke, none of the points made during this podcast were worth anything. The explanation to that funny note can be found in the podcast.
Originally I thought I thought of some pretty complicated, tricky questions, but they didn’t stand a chance. Although we were able to luckily stump Allen a couple times, regardless we all had a blast playing! I strongly recommend everyone check out that segment as it was surely fun, and entertaining. The topics for those who were wondering were the following, Who Am I?, Current New Orleans Saints Roster, and Saints History.
Make sure to again check out Allen Ulrich on all of his social media platforms. Just want to wish Allen huge thanks again for being a guest on the show! Dayton and I loved having you on and fully expect to have you on as the season approaches.
Make sure to follow us on Twitter to keep updated with the latest news, guests, and more information regarding the podcast.
You can follow Dayton Brown on Twitter @Dayton_Brown_ or click here.
You can follow Tyler Raymond on Twitter @RaymondTylerM or click here.
You can follow the official Who Dat Dish Podcast on Twitter @TheWDDPodcast or click here.