Recap: First airing of the Who Dat Dish Podcast

ByTyler Raymond|

The first episode of the Podcast is in the books!

For those of you who missed it, the Who Dat Dish Podcast aired for the first time on Thursday, 6/15. Co-Hosts Dayton Brown and I covered several topics including the latest news and rumors regarding the New Orleans Saints.

You can find the link to the podcast here.

Below are some brief descriptions of what each topic entails within the podcast.

Articles of the Week – Who Dat Dish’s Latest Articles

This section of the show is dedicated to reviewing the latest articles written by contributors to Who Dat Dish.

1st Topic: Training Camp – Previewing Positional Battles / Lastest Headlines & News / Reviewing 1st Day of Mini-Camp

In this segment, Dayton and I preview upcoming positional battles and review the first day of mini-camp for the New Orleans Saints.

2nd Topic: YOU MADE THE TEAM / CUT! – New Orleans Saints Game Show Segment

In our first airing of the Who Dat Dish Podcast, Dayton and I did a Saints-themed segment in what we like to call, “YOU MADE THE TEAM / CUT!” in which Dayton and I each pick Saints players on the outside looking in, and determine if we feel they will make the New Orleans Saints final roster.

Expect this weekly podcast to be available every Monday afternoon around 6:00 PM EST. If you enjoy New Orleans Saints related content, then you’ll love this weekly podcast series. This first episode is only “one crack in the huge egg we plan to fry” in the next several months for Saints fans.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter to keep updated with the latest news, guests, and more information regarding the podcast. 

You can follow Dayton Brown on Twitter @Dayton_Brown_ or click here.

You can follow Tyler Raymond on Twitter @RaymondTylerM or click here.

And you can follow the official Who Dat Dish Podcast on Twitter @TheWDDPodcast or click here.

Dayton Brown and I could not be more thrilled for this opportunity and journey. We wanted to personally thank everyone, from the Saints fans and supporters to these specific people for making this dream possible, Michael Castillo, John Pinto, Allen Ulrich, and Sean Williams over at the Under the Dome Podcast, Ty Anania, and Dean Mullen over at Who Dat Dish, and FanSided.

Make sure to hold on tight Who Dat Nation, and stay tuned. We will provide amazing Saints related analysis and commentary as the season approaches.
