Mark George

Last but certainly not least, we have Mark George. Mark George or @M_George5 on Twitter is a 22-year-old car salesman who is locked in for life with the New Orleans Saints. Mark is from Houma, Louisiana, but currently resides in Monroe, Louisiana. In August Mark is going back to school to someday become a football coach. For those of you who don’t know, Mark also has a one-year-old son, who he plans on teaching him the Saints way.
Tyler: When did you first become a Saints fan?
Mark: Being from south Louisiana you don’t really become a Saints fan. You pretty much born into it. But I really started watching pro football around 2005.
Tyler: How has being a Saints fan impacted your life?
Mark: I think being a Saints fan is different from any of team of any sport. I don’t know that there’s a more passionate and loyal group. Even when the Saints suck, for the most part, the fans still love them. Even if we bad talk them, we never change up.
Tyler: What’s it like for you being a Saints fan?
Mark: Me personally, I have been around football all my life, so with the Saints being the home team, it came naturally for me to just be a part of that. I watch them every Sunday just like any other Saints fan.
Tyler: Where were you when Hurricane Katrina happened?
Mark: I was about 10 years old when Katrina happened. Where I’m from didn’t get affected anywhere near the way New Orleans did. And tbh I don’t remember much from it.
Tyler: Where were you when the Saints won the Super Bowl?
Mark: When the Saints won the SB I was at home sitting about 2 feet away from the TV. Eyes glued.
Tyler: Is there anything you want to tell The Who Dat Nation, and the world about being a fan of the New Orleans Saints?
Mark: If you are a Saints fan then there’s nothing I need to tell you, you know. For the unfortunate people who aren’t Saints fans. It must suck to be a fan elsewhere lol.
I want to personally thank everyone that participated in these interviews, everyone did amazing and it really helped this article come alive. With that being said, Who Dat Dish, of course, wants to know what you think! What makes you personally love the New Orleans Saints so much!?