In case you’ve been under a rock the last few weeks, Mardi Gras season is now in full swing. Bacchus is one of the premier parades that runs through New Orleans every year. This year, there will we a special float dedicated to the demise of the Dirty Birds.
Twitter exploded a few weeks ago when a picture happen to surface. The picture made it all the way to the national media. Here is the picture that made its rounds on television and Twitter.
Accordingly, The creation was a thing of beauty that will roll out tomorrow for the Krewe of Bacchus. In fact, Bacchus is one of the biggest parades that runs through New Orleans every year. This year there will be something special. First and foremost, to give this small act of mocking some background, a little history lesson may be necessary if you aren’t from New Orleans.
Bacchus will roll tomorrow night on Sunday. Incidentally, The night after the other mega parade rolls Endymion. The word “Krewe” may be new to people outside of New Orleans.
The word simply means the parade itself. Every year the Krewe of Bacchus will set a particular theme for each year’s parade. No doubt, The New Orleans Saints theme was decided for this year’s parade. Ironically, after the Super Bowl, the addition of the ‘Young and the Ringless’ float was added to the lineup.
The float is a small poke at the Atlanta Falcons considering some of the things that have been said and done before on the other side. Some of the acts were simply despicable and classless. One time recently, the airport workers threw a bunch of eggs at the team bus. This was surely just a juvenile act more than anything.
However, the other act was simply disgraceful. Even for the Atlanta Falcon fans. These three juveniles on the radio decided to make fun of the biggest hero in Saints history- Steve Gleason. Above all, the skit was so vile, that the three were fired. It doesn’t stop there as well.
Moreover, there are still jokes to this day made about Hurricane Katrina which killed many people and destroyed countless lives. So, if Who Dat Nation wants to have a little fun, after the Falcons blew the biggest lead in Super Bowl history go ahead. As a result, it will never even come close to to the garbage that comes out on a regular basis from the Atlanta fans. There is nothing that Who Dat Nation can do to sink to their level of delinquency. Enjoy the parade….