Colon cancer in men occurs as a result of normal cells transforming to abnormal ones. In a perfect world the right side of the colon absorbs water, sodium and soluble wastes and the left side of the colon extracts the nutrients from food. But when abnormal cells continue to grow they begin to overwhelm healthy cells, tissues and organs by taking their oxygen, nutrients and space.
Colon cancer in men ranks third among lung cancer and breast cancer in men. The same symptoms that increase a man’s symptoms of colon cancer in men likelihood of having breast cancer are the symptoms for colon cancer. Men are said to be more at-risk to colon cancer as he ages, if he has a family history of colon cancer, massive exposure to radiation, estrogen treatment, excessive alcohol consumption or smokes.
But in the 21st century, colon cancer has been labeled a young man’s disease by researchers of the University of California in Los Angeles. The research showed a 17 percent increase of colon cancer in young men in their 20s and 30s, primarily because of the large amount of fast food the younger generation consumed while growing up. But these young men are developing colon cancer at more rapid speeds and have higher-grade tumors than their male siblings who are two-to-three generations older. So the odds of a 20 year old surviving his grandpa are less likely if he has colon cancer.
Take a lesson from grandpa’s book
Substituting the high-cholesterol sweets for a 30-minute workout and fruits or vegetables can add years to your life. Making healthier choices, like increasing fiber-packed foods in the diet is also good for fighting off colon cancer in men. Eating brown rice just once per week reduces the risk of polyps in the colon by at least 40 percent according to research from Loma Linda University, which was published in Nutrient and Cancer. Another healthy choice is eating legumes, peanuts and green beans once a week, reducing the likelihood of polyps in the colon by 33 percent. Green vegetables and dried fruit also can help to reduce the risk of polyps by 24-26 percent. So eating healthy will not only pay off when you want to get in shape, it can actually save your life.
Old or young men with colon cancer often experience abdominal pain, rapid and unusual weight loss, continuous vomiting colon cancer symptoms in men and nausea, bleeding from the stool and infrequent bowl movements.
Detecting colon cancer in men can also be done through a colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy and a fecal occult blood test.
Colonoscopy is a procedure that inserts a tube in your anus to detect if you have colon cancer or not. This procedure is recommended every 10 years.
The flexible Sigmoidoscopy exam involves inserting a sigmoidoscope into the rectum to evaluate the lower part of the colon. This procedure is similar to a colonoscopy but, instead of mere x-rays, it uses a tiny video camera situated athe the tip of the tube that goes into your rectum. This video camera hels doctors to iside of the rectum and most of the colo. This procedur also allows you to get samples for biopsies. Not being able to see the entire colon using the sigmoidoscopy prevents doctors from seeing farther into the colon where polyps may be nesting.
Fecal occult blood test consists of smearing stool on a paper card and taking it to your doctor for examination annually. Your stool is checked for blood and if blood is found your doctor would recommend a colonoscopy as the next step.
Colon Cancer in Men is becoming increasing popular in young man and their health are, sometimes symptoms colon cancer in worst shape than their fathers or grandfathers because of the foods they chose to consume over the years. Making healthier food choices like legumes, beans and green vegetables will perhaps help some of the younger men return to their foundation of youth.