Early Evaluation of the New Orleans Saints 2012 Free Agents

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Chance of resigning: 50%

Carl Nicks, G: The Saints will never have a good running game again if Nicks is not resigned. The quarterback will be sacked about 5 times more a season if Nicks is not resigned. This is a must. He just received his tender last season, so now it’s time fore his pay day. The reason why the Saints won’t keep most guys on this list is because Nicks is so valuable. Jahri Evans used to be the best guard in the league. He is now number 2. His teammate surpassed him. No way the Saints could even be in Super Bowl contention without Nicks. Loomis knows he must keep him, and Nicks wants to be back with the right price. Time to break the back like you did for Jahri, Mickey.

Chance of resigning: 95%

Drew Brees, QB: Look. I don’t have to explain much here, but I will anyway. Face of the franchise, Super Bowl MVP, rebuilt a city and region, all-time single season passing leader, never gets injured, etc. etc. etc. I literally can go on forever. The best signing in free-agency will be retained. He knows it, Loomis knows it, Saints fans know it, and the guy ice fishing in Alaska who doesn’t own TV even knows it. He will be resigned. It will be allot of money, but that’s the sacrifice anybody would be willing to give to keep this guy. He’s way too special. Nothing more needs to be said.

Chance of resigning: 110%

If I could predict the future, I would say that Brees, Nicks, Colston and Daniel are the only locks to be re-signed.

I think Loomis will use the franchise tag on Colston, because the price for Brees would be too high and Nicks has been waiting for a huge contract for years, and he would be one angry O-Lineman if he didn’t get his money.

Dunbar, Rogers, McBride, and Roby will all probably be back with the saints next year. They all want to come back and are key contributors on defense and special teams.

They are all talented players. Since they’re not that expensive, they will most likely all return unless the get a huge contract somewhere else. (Scott Fujita incident)

Gilmore, Franklin, and Charleston have slim chances. It will be hard to reatin all these guys, especially regarding their ages. Loomis might want to draft players at their respective positions for a cheaper price. Still a chance they resign, though very slim.

Saints fans, definitely say goodbye to John Kasay, Tracy Porter, and Pat McQuistan at seasons’ end. They simply can’t afford it with the big three (Brees, Nicks, and Colston) being free agents.

Mark my words, the Robert Meachem situation will be the highlight of the Saints off season. Will he take a paycut? Will Brees take a pay cut to keep Meachem?

Will Loomis have enough money anyway? Whether he resigns or not is a coin flip. However, it should make towards and interesting off season.

A mans’ best guess:

Saints keep: Drew Brees, Carl Nicks, Marques Colston, Chase Daniel, Jo-Lonn Dunbar, Shaun Rogers, Courtney Roby, Turk McBride, and Robert Meachem (if Brees is willing to sacrifice money)

Saints don’t keep: Tracy Porter, John  Gilmore, John Kasay, Aubrayo Franklin, Jeff Charleston, Pat McQuistan, and Robert Meachem (if Brees isn’t willing to sacrifice money)