Coping with the Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

Living and coping with symptoms of chronic bronchitis will place significant demands on both the patient and their loved ones/caregivers. There have been medical breakthroughs for common conditions associated with aging known to improve the quality of life. Learning to move the mucus within the air way so it can be expelled from the body can be done with techniques such as: posture drainage, chest percussions and controlled coughing.

”Posture drainage is done by lying on your back with the head and hips elevated using pillows, breathe deeply enough for the stomach to expand and retract, not the chest. [Experts warn that this is to be done on an empty stomach and about 30 minutes after using the inhaler]

”Chest percussions are simply tapping the chest with the hand cuffed. bronchitis symptoms in adults

”Controlled coughing is done sitting on the edge of a chair leaning forward, breath slowly through the nose, with arms around the stomach exhale while pushing on the stomach. Cough two to three times shortly and sharply while exhaling through the mouth.

Coping with the symptoms of chronic bronchitis does not mean you have to accept the progression of the disease. Using management tactics such as these, offer options to sitting in anxiety and anticipation of breathing difficulty. Caregivers and patients aware of these options may find themselves enjoying well deserved relaxation. (These exercises and more information on the subject can be found online at

Anxiety Associated with Bronchitis symptoms in children

Anxiety is a serious matter; anxiety associated with bronchitis symptoms in children requires additional knowledge. Fears stemming from bronchitis symptoms in children are likely to evoke fear in parents, especially when the youngsters are not verbal concerning fears. When this is true they tend to express anxiety in ways that parents may not be immediately aware of. Psychologists have offered suggestions of how to support them.

Talking about their fears can be therapeutic so use their favorite toy or stuffed animal, asking the little one to explain what they feel in their own way. acute bronchitis symptoms Another approach could be the use of humor to lighten the mood without minimizing the legitimacy of their feelings. This can be done by throwing in a joke or adding subtle laughter to the subject; then reiterate the concern with loving eye contact. Overall, this is a teaching experience. Learning to express fears rather than to harbor them is a great advantage.

There is no doubt that not being able to breathe is to frightening, this is true even if this health challenge has been lifelong. Bronchitis symptoms in children come with a number of complications that can be controlled, let’s not overlook the obvious or leave it untreated. (Enjoy brief video clips on this and other parenting topics at

Are Bronchitis symptoms contagious?

Are Bronchitis symptoms contagious? Absolutely, and triggers are in the air around us. Is this factual? Yes! This disease can be contracted by pollutants deposited in the breathing passages and lungs by poor air quality. It may seem absurd to consider bronchitis symptoms contagious, but when you consider the causes of the disease it quickly becomes apparent it is preventable.

Debris and toxins in the air can collect in the breathing passages, some of the structures in these passages, cilia, are as fine as a human hair, what are the symptoms of bronchitis making them easy to obstruct. When obstruction begins to build breathing diminishes. Please keep in mind that cigarette smoke, dust particles, chemicals that irritate lungs and smog are just a few examples of pollutants that create this problem. Clean air and sufficient hydration habits can help retain good health. (American Journal of Medical Sciences)

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