Approximately, 2% of the adult population

Much information is available regarding the signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia. We will also discuss in greater detail the symptoms of fibromyalgia in women and the symptoms of fibromyalgia in men. Both are fascinating topics to research and try to understand.

Approximately, 2% of the adult population, in the United States suffers from fibromyalgia, approximately 5 million people. fibromyalgia symptoms in women Nearly 90% of the existing cases are women. Researchers are still trying to determine why women are diagnosed with fibromyalgia in greater numbers than men.

Let us begin by defining fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a disease and is a chronic condition affecting the muscular-skeletal system. According to Wikipedia, fibromyalgia is recognized as chronic widespread pain in the body. Widespread refers to pain, or aching, above, as well as, below the waist. However, it is not arthritis, and the cause is currently unknown.

In persons with fibromyalgia, all four quadrants of the human body are affected. Again, the pain is not localized. The signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia commonly include constant pain and fatigue, stiffness in joints, tender muscles and tendons. Some have also reported numbness and tingling, bladder and bowel dysfunction, chronic headaches and jaw pain. Difficulty swallowing, nasal congestion and shortness of breath are also considered symptoms of fibromyalgia patients.

It is noted when pressure is applied to certain areas of the body, such as the back of the head, top of the shoulders, outer elbows, inside the knees, upper back, etc., the pain increases. These areas are called “tender points” or also referred to as “trigger points.” The signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia include, in a majority of cases, fatigue that remains even after many hours of sleep. Both men and women diagnosed with fibromyalgia report they cannot easily fall asleep or have disrupted sleep throughout the night. External stimuli, such as lights and weather conditions, can negatively affect victims of fibromyalgia.

Not surprisingly, fibromyalgia symptoms in women are linked to sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea. In addition, there appears to be a strong correlation between waking up at night, restless sleep and the chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia, especially in women. Depression, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating are likely symptoms of fibromyalgia in women. It has also been stated that symptoms of fibromyalgia in women may mimic other diseases, therefore, difficult to diagnose.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia in men may also be misdiagnosed. fibromyalgia symptoms womenOften, men are taught, from their youth, to mask their pain so they may not seek immediate medical attention. The symptoms of fibromyalgia in men are similar to women, but symptoms may seem milder, with less pain, less joint stiffness and fatigue. Nonetheless, widespread pain and ongoing fatigue are the primary symptoms among male sufferers.

Men who complain of continual pain are often ridiculed or not believed. Some people mistakenly think that men cannot have fibromyalgia, which hinders adequate treatment options. Men have been reported to have the symptoms of fibromyalgia for ten years or more without an adequate diagnosis.

Researchers all over the world continue to learn more and more about the signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia and the corresponding treatment options in men and women.

Fibromyalgia symptoms in women and men are similar. But, you must have knowledge of the symptoms of fibromyalgia in both sexes. what are the symptoms of fibromyalgia Be informed.

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