Cervical Cancer Signs And Symptoms

Not every disease has to end in death; but you need to do your part for that to be true, which is why you as a woman need to become aware of cervical cancer signs and symptoms.

So, what is cervical cancer? It is a kind of cancer that ensues when abnormal cells on the cervix grow out of control. (The cervix is the lower part of the uterus, or womb, that leads to the vagina.)

There are countless groups of people researching cures to cancer and other heartbreaking illnesses. However, in the case of cervical cancer, what are the symptoms of cervical cancerthere is a cure, but that’s really only if you practice some very simple prevention methods. One such simple step is to get regular pap smears-as well as regular medical checkups in addition to these pap smears. You should be getting a pap smear every one to two years after turning 21 years old. Consult your doctor to find out how often you should personally get one, though. Pap smears are important because they allow doctors to examine your cervical cells. This not only reveals whether you have cervical cancer or not, but it can also detect any abnormal cells that might lead to cervical cancer.

It is important to note that early on stages of cervical cancer doesn’t usually cause symptoms to show up, which is why you should get regular health checkups.

What are symptoms of cervical cancer?

”Vaginal discharge that’s tinged with blood

”Pelvic pain

”Pain during sex

”Abnormal vaginal bleeding, for example:

obetween regular menstrual periods

obleeding after sexual intercourse

olonger and heavier than usual menstrual periods symptoms cervical cancer

obleeding after going through menopause

Please do not immediately become alarmed if you are experiencing these symptoms, but seek a medical doctor, preferably one who is an expert in this area. By doing so, they can affirm whether you do or do not have cervical cancer.

Be aware that it is possible to contract cervical cancer after menopause. Symptoms of cervical cancer after menopause may be the same as they are for someone who is pre-menopausal. However, it might be a red flag if you experience vaginal bleeding after menopause. See your doctor immediately.

What causes cervical cancer? One of the main causes is HPV, or human papilloma virus (HPV is an illness that genital warts, which are not always visible). Other major causes of cervical cancer are:

”Being overweight

”Poor diet-eating very few fruits and vegetables


”Engaging in sexual intercourse when very young

”Multiple sexual partners

If you have the virus, you can spread it through sexual contact. If you are not able to abstain from sex, practice safer sex by using condoms and limiting the number of sex partners you have.

The American Cancer Society recently came out with some recent statistics for 2012:

”About 12,170 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed

”Appr. 4,220 women will die from cervical cancer

Again, when you are diligent to take advantage of the available prevention methods, there can also be good news awaiting you. what are symptoms of cervical cancer Remember, getting a pap smear is vitally important to early detection.

Between 1955 and 1992, the death rate from cervical cancer lowered about 70 percent. This is because of how many women took advantage of getting regular pap smears. Since 2003, the cancer rate remains stable in women. (Even better, the rate in African American women continues to go down!)

If you do have cervical cancer, there are numerous treatments you can undergo, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and a hysterectomy, which means removing the uterus via surgery).

You use the Internet for so many things, which is why it’s a great starting point for learning more about the cervical cancer signs and symptoms. Again, this should be done in addition to consulting a medical professional. Some such online resources are as

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