Symptoms of hyperthyroidism in men
By Editorial Staff
The symptoms of hyperthyroidism in men, also known as an overactive thyroid gland, should not ignored or untreated. Hyperthyroidism occurs when a thyroid produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. Basically, it works too hard. There are other factors that can cause this, however, such as Graves’ disease or exposure to radiation.
The most common symptoms of hyperthyroidism in men are fatigue, sweating, restlessness, changes in appetite, having trouble concentrating and weight loss. The thyroid itself may also become enlarged, which will cause swelling in the neck and throat area, near the Adam’s apple. One unusual side effect that will only affect men is the swelling of breast tissue, which will actually cause men to grow breasts.
The less common symptoms of hyperthyroidism in men are hair loss, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperthyroid symptoms in women tremors, and weakness. If the hyperthyroidism is brought on by Graves’ disease, some symptoms may include puffy or swollen eyes, irritation in the eyes, and an overproduction of tears.
Another possible symptom is the sensation of having a very fast heartbeat. The heart may beat irregularly and breathing will become labored, even when resting. Most people feel their heart is actually about to burst out of their chest. In elderly patients, heart failure can occur.
Two more serious side effects that men may receive due to hyperthyroidism are muscle weakness paired with bone weakness. Osteoporosis, usually caused by low levels of calcium and causing frail and weak bones, is a dangerous symptom of this thyroid disorder.
Increased metabolism is also a serious symptom, as it can cause serious if not fatal effects on the human body. If left untreated, the symptoms will get worse as the thyroxine levels rise. Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by an error in the link between the thyroid and the pituitary gland, which signals the thyroid to release hormones.
Failure or refusal to treat hyperthyroidism can result in vision complications (if brought on by Graves’ disease), dangerous weight loss, and heart problems. Treatments for this disease include a radioactive iodine injection, and are recommended as a life threatening condition may develop called thyroid storm if left untreated.
There are a few treatments possible for hyperthyroidism. symptoms of hyperthyroidism in women Medication is an option if the doctor determines it the best solution. Radioactive iodine is another possibility, although this option may worsen Graves’ disease should that be the cause. Surgery is the last common treatment available.
Medicines available include beta-blockers and anti-thyroid drugs. Beta blockers do not treat the actual hyperthyroidism, but rather counter the effects that the hormones released by the thyroid have on the body’s metabolism and heart rate. However, it is not a solution to the actual issue.
Anti-thyroid drugs work by essentially shutting down some of the thyroid production, which causes less of the hormone thyroxine to be in the body. They do have a negative side effect which may limit the production of white blood cells, which are used to fight infections. Since this may be a serious side effect, regular check-ups are advised.
Radiation is also a very good choice. The iodine cells are only picked up by the thyroid cells, which then get destroyed. There is no risk of harming your body, since the thyroid catches all of the iodine. This treatment option is most common, as 80% of patients are cured after just one dose of radiation.
Surgery is a rather risky option. hyperthyroidism symptoms checklist The goal is to remove part of the thyroid so the over-production of thyroxine stops. However, along with the normal surgery risks, there is a risk of removing too much thyroid tissue, which can result in underproduction of thyroxine.
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