Feline Hypothyroidism is a very complex disorder


You may have heard people commonly say things such as ‘Cats are so simple. All you need to do is leave them food, water, and a litter box”. For the most part, yes with a healthy cat that would be true when coupled with some TLC. However, there is a rare but serious condition that affects several cats worldwide. This is called Feline Hypothyroidism.


Endocrine disorders such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism symptoms of hypothyroidism in women are often not deadly and are treatable. Both of these ailments are the result of a thyroid condition found most commonly in older cats. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can vary depending on the severity of the condition.


The most common and noticeable hypothyroid symptom is weight gain. With this condition a cat will have an increased appetite and will increase their water intake as well. Other common hypothyroidism cat’s symptoms include a dull, dry coat and listlessness and lethargy. A cat with this condition may start losing its fur and ay also lose interest in activities it normally enjoyed and may even stop playing with other cats that it normally socialized with. Another common hypothyroid symptom in cats is cold intolerance. The feline may often seek out very warm places to lie in when it normally would not exhibit tis behavior. Also the cat will keep a lower than normal body temperature. There is no definite symptom that points to Endocrine conditions in a cat; however it is a combination of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism that will aid your vet in making this diagnosis.


Feline Hypothyroidism is a very complex disorder and is often in most cases very challenging to diagnose. Your vet will need a thorough medical history of your cat along with documentation logging of any hypothyroid symptom. It would be a good idea to keep a journal and you may even want to title it hypothyroidism cat’s symptoms and turn this information over to your veterinarian. Along with detailed records there are also clinical tests that can be conducted by your vet. Some of these tests include Complete blood count (CBC),, Urinalysis, as well as chest and abdomen X-Rays in some cases. Your vet may also conduct other tests to rule out other disorders.


Once your vet has analyzed you cats symptoms and has made a diagnosis of hypothyroidism symptoms checklistHypothyroidism the treatment phase will begin. Treatment normally consists of medications to help control the Endocrine gland. Some cats may be prescribe a thyroid hormone supplementation that they will take for the rest of there life to control the disorder/ Other, most commonly prescribed for treatment is a synthetic drug called “levothyroxine”. This is normally given once daily to cats and your veterinarian would determine the amount and frequency based on the condition of your cat. Regardless of which medication your vet sees to best suit your cat it is important to remain consistent with the dosage and administration to effectively manage the condition.


Most cats tolerate treatment very well. However it is very important to couple attentive home care with professional veterinary care to optimize your cat’s treatment plan. With proper treatment and maintenance most of the symptoms of the disorder seem to disappear within 4-6 weeks. In some cases cats can develop hyperthyroidism in the event of an overdose of the synthetic medication prescribed for the condition. Be sure to be on the lookout for and report to your vet immediately any signs of weight loss, hyperactivity, and increased meowing. In order to properly manage this condition it is also very important to follow up regularly with your veterinarian in order to test blood levels, review over symptoms and signs, as well as evaluate any changes in medication.


Feline hypothyroidism, although rare but serious, is not a condition to take lightly. Early recognition of the sigs of this disorder will be the key in getting proper treatment for the disorder. Attentive home care along with professional veterinary care makes the disease treatable and manageable.

Feline Hypothyroidism is a serious but rare condition affecting hypothyroid symptoms in women cats worldwide. This condition is often not deadly and very manageable if a proper diagnosis and treatment plan are put into place.

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