

New Orleans Saints Clips Of the Week


Clipped from: blogblitz.nfl.com (share this clip)

"At this point, anyone who pays attention to the NFL knows what Saints quarterback Drew Brees has done, and means, to the organization.No quarterback in the league has been more productive or has had better stats than Brees since 2006, and that includes Tom Brady and Payton Manning."

Clipped from: www.nola.com (share this clip)

"New Orleans Saints tailback Pierre Thomas is officially listed as questionable for Sunday’s game against the Cincinnati Bengals after practicing on a limited basis all week. Coach Sean Payton said there is a realistic chance Thomas could play, though he remains “guarded.” He said the swelling and soreness has gone away from Thomas’ lingering ankle injury. And he wants to see how he looks on Sunday morning before the game. — Mike Triplett"

Clipped from: espn.go.com (share this clip)

"I was in Cowboys Stadium that day. While I didn’t have the time to do a detailed count on how many New Orleans fans were there, I’d estimate the number you cited was probably pretty close to accurate. There definitely was a strong presence by Saints fans. I saw a lot of them tailgating as I walked through the parking lot and I saw a lot of Saints shirts and hats in the stands. This is not uncommon. New Orleans fans, probably more than any team in the NFC South, travel with their team. — Pat Yasinskas"

Clipped from: www.wwltv.com (share this clip)

"Drew Brees won the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the year this week.  Brees was a great choice and should have won it after the post Katrina 2006 season. When Brees’ career history is written and people debate where he belongs among the all time greats, he will have done one thing no other quarterback in NFL history has done; he kept a team from leaving town. — Ralph Malbrough"

Clipped from: news.cincinnati.com (share this clip)

"It has been a whirlwind week for New Orleans quarterback Drew Brees. He directed the Saints to a comeback win last Thursday, then was honored as Sports Illustrated’s Sportsman of the Year on Tuesday. — Joe Reedy"

Clipped from: www.nfl.com (share this clip)

"Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco sparked a lighthearted trash-talking exchange on Twitter when he posted Wednesday that he was thinking about starting a fight with Saints safety Darren Sharper before Cincinnati’s home game against New Orleans. — Associated Press"

Check out Keith Null’s weekly article about the Saints on NFL.com by clicking here.

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