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On the eve of the..."/>

On the eve of the...","articleSection":"Saints News","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Keith Null","url":"https://whodatdish.com/author/saintoftouchdown/"}}

New Orleans Saints: Long Snappers Jason Kyle And Jake Ingram


On the eve of their showdown with the Seattle Seahawks the Saints will turn to a new long snapper signing ex-Patriot Jake Ingram this afternoon.

Ingram was signed to offeset the lost of Jason Kyle, the Saints long snapper since 2009, after a shoulder injury that resulted in him being placed on season ending injured reserve (IR).

Kyle replaced Kevin Houser who was cut in the wake of reports that he had recruited teammates and others to invest in a Louisiana film company that squandered the invested capitol after promised returns.

The Saints said Kyle was an upgrade to Houser but everyone knew it was because of his involvement in the failed investment.

Kyle was the snapper in all 25 games since he signed with the Saints and he also made two tackles and recovered a fumble on special teams in nine games this season.

Ingram was drafted by the Patriots in the sixth round of the 2009 NFL draft winning the starting role over veteran Nathan Hodel before the start of the regular season.

He was waived earlier this month after handling long snapping for their first eight games of the Patriots season.

Check out Keith Null’s weekly article about the Saints on NFL.com by clicking here.

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